Roosters really do crow... before dawn. When that alarm goes off morning is upon us... and it's time to do the chores.
Rule number 1: Get up. Don't nestle back under your covers. It'll just make you feel guilty knowing the animals are hungry. Rule number 2: Get dressed without looking outside. You have to face the elements no matter what, so why know it's only 10 degrees? No point in peeking out a frosty window into the darkness. It just makes you want to break rule number one. Rule number 3: When your done feeding, stop for a moment. Listen to all the critters happily chewing. Enjoy the warmth from the sunrise and know this is just where you want to be.
Sean McQuay
1/29/2018 10:39:37 pm
Good tips! Love you cowboys and girls. Can’t wait for the first bay calf photo.
1/30/2018 07:19:05 am
Nice to start my day with the knowledge that life on the ranch continues with a calmness that brings peace here in these chaotic times.
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